Civil Society at Ministerial Segment 2019
The Ministerial Segment and the 62nd CND took place March 14-22 2019 in Vienna. More than ninety civil society organizations
All issues concerning drug related matters, including prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, harm reduction and access to controlled medicines. We are looking forward to welcoming you as a NYNGOC member!
All issues concerning drug related matters, including prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, harm reduction and access to controlled medicines. We are looking forward to welcoming you as a NYNGOC member!
The Ministerial Segment and the 62nd CND took place March 14-22 2019 in Vienna. More than ninety civil society organizations
The CSTF, in consultation with Sheila Vakharia, Ph.D, developed a web-based Consultation survey in preparation for the 2019 Ministerial Segment
On the margins of the 61st CND the Vienna and New York NGO Committees signed the Memorandum of Understanding establishing
The UNGASS 2016 Global Civil Society Survey was designed to provide an initial assessment on the civil society work in